Tackling Leadership Development in the Canadian Business Environment

123rf40792966 smallCorporate Canada is facing a leadership crisis. While this is partly due to the gap left by retiring baby boomers, it also involves the Canadian psyche. The iconic Canadian politeness has its drawbacks; many younger Canadians confuse politeness with meekness, and a lack of assertiveness can equate to a lack of leadership.

There are four key factors preventing companies from developing the leaders they need:

  • A gap between HR programs and the skills needed for successful management,
  • Lack of suitable data to identify potential leaders,
  • Difficulties in implementing skills learned during workplace training, and
  • Leadership programs that don’t integrate well with other HR initiatives.

When you’re busy with day-to-day management duties, it can be challenging focus on leadership development. Follow these steps, or bring in an expert to help you to:

  • Identify employees with leadership qualities.
  • Develop strategies for uncovering hidden leadership potential in your team.
  • Create career development opportunities for growing leaders.

Developing the business leaders needed to take your company and the Canadian economy forward is a process that needs a scientific approach, not a haphazard one. Start with your long-term strategy, followed by a professional analysis of the groundwork needed to make it happen.

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