It’s Happy Holiday Time for Small Businesses: This Year, Make It Count!

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It’s that time of year when the public begins shopping as if their lives depend on it. Whether you’re B2B or B2C, you can benefit from this energy and spirit. Here’s why:

  1. People are in a spending mood,
  2. Everyone has money, and
  3. Customers have time to shop.

With just a little work, you can use these facts to your advantage. Try these ideas:

  1. Create a “Christmas Rush” of your own. Offer a limited-time promotion, hold an event, send gifts to loyal customers, and merchandise with a holiday theme.
  2. Offer relevant content. Combine your regular messaging with a festive message. That boosts the power of your content marketing.
  3. Do seasonal SEO. Customize your keyword selection for the holidays to help bring you prospects you might never have otherwise.
  4. Check your inventory. Be sure you have enough stock on hand to last throughout the season.
  5. Satisfy your staff. Reward and recognize top talent and take time to relax as a team.
  6. Gather intel. Keep good records of what works and what doesn’t that you can use for future holiday planning.

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The One Law You Should Break...

123rf5628070 small It'll Change Your Life for the Better!

The Law of Entropy states that all systems, if left unattended, run down. Unless new energy is provided, each organism deteriorates. What does this mean when applied to individuals, teams, relationships, organizations, and associations?

If these are left unattended, no new energy is provided and they will diminish.

In business, if we assume that our systems, relationships, operations, sales, and marketing can be left unattended and unrefreshed, they will break. Machines do not work without maintenance, repair, and tuning, nor will we or our companies.

Do you find that you’re asking yourself what to do to counteract personal and organizational entropy? Is there a way to make certain that your relationships with others, and with yourself, are well nurtured and thriving? Some ways to break the law of entropy include:

  • Having and reviewing Goals,
  • Exercising,
  • Going on date nights with your significant other,
  • Meditating,
  • Reflective journaling, and
  • Reviewing your metrics in business and your personal life.

K.W.I.N.K. – Knowing What I Now Know is a great way to stop and reassesses your life in any and all areas that will insure that you can break the Law of Entropy!

by Coach Phil Gilkes

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What Does the Election of Donald Trump Mean for Your Business? Change. Good or Bad? It depends on how you choose to respond

“May you live in interesting times.” – Chinese curse

123rf26718157 smallPeople have a love-hate relationship with change. We love the idea then fear the uncertainty that change brings. These feelings abound now that the presidential election is over.

With no political track record, seemingly contradictory messages, and no feel for the eventual reactions by other political powers, it’s tough for even the experts to gauge if the Trump presidency is going to be good or bad for the economy.

Forrest Gump would certainly say "it's like a box of chocolates . You never know what you're gonna get.”

Regardless of prognostications, it will be your agility and flexibility to dodge bullets and seize new opportunities as they occur that determine if the changes are good or bad.

Are you prepared to thrive and prosper, regardless? How many of the following questions can you answer well?

  1. Are you anticipating possible directions the economy, tariffs, trade wars, insurance, or labor law changes could take? What will different scenarios mean to your business structure, financial needs and employees?
  2. Is your sales force ready to spot new opportunities with customers?
  3. Will your marketing team have the skill to craft and effectively deliver new messaging?
  4. Do you have the “bench strength” to either adapt or grow your company as new challenges and opportunities appear?
  5. Could you cope with a structural change to your industry?
  6. Have you thought through the possible outcomes of change and looked at possible futures that may devastate your business model? It's happened countless times before and will again.
  7. What will a change mean for those of you who plan to sell your business and retire?

- by Chris Dekle, Area Developer & Coach

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Negotiation: Are you negotiating with an empty suit? - The Law of Authority

123rf13106977 bothThe Law of Authority says: You can only negotiate successfully with a person who has the authority to approve the terms and conditions you agree upon.

A common negotiating ploy is called an “agent without authority.” This is a person who can negotiate but is not authorized to make the final deal. No matter what is agreed upon, the agent without authority must check with someone else before confirming the terms of the agreement.

The first corollary of this law is: “You must determine in advance if the other party has the authority to make the deal.” Ask the person if he or she is authorized to act for the company or client. If not, you must be cautious about the positions you take and the concessions you offer.

The second corollary of this law is: “When dealing with someone who cannot make the final decision, you must represent yourself as being unable to make the final decision either.” Fight fire with fire. If the other person cannot make the final decision, tell him that you are in the same position. This tactic levels the playing field and increases your flexibility in the case of an unacceptable counteroffer.


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5 Powerful Benefits That Make Facebook Advertising a Marketing Essential

123rf20904696 bothNot too long ago, Google was the only game in town when it came to driving serious amounts of online traffic, but the last few years have seen a profound shift in the landscape. It is now social media that has the edge in terms of user volume.

With its 1 billion-plus user base, Facebook ads are the perfect way of grabbing a slice of the pie. Here are five reasons to add this channel to your marketing mix.

  1. Mobile Reach. Around three quarters of Facebook’s users access their accounts via a mobile device. This gives you a substantial mobile reach.
  2. Excellent Targeting Features. The amount of data that Facebook holds on its account holders is astounding. This means that Facebook ads can be targeted with extreme precision.
  3. Detailed Metrics. Whether you're looking for a simple overview of engagement, or want to drill down into detailed demographic information, Facebook makes it relatively simple.
  4. Easy Split Testing. You can easily rotate variations on an ad and compare results with Facebook’s Power Editor toolset.
  5. Speed and Responsiveness. The Facebook ads environment enables you to set up, launch, measure, and refine your advertising campaigns with ease.

Looking for smarter ways to advertise and grow your business? Let's talk, you'll go away with new insights.

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The Secret to Beating a Slowing Economy

123rf42438497 smallCanadian companies are experiencing a slowdown resulting in a drop in small business investment. Companies are borrowing less because of reduced demand across three of Canada’s most industrial provinces.

Canada can ill-afford this slowdown at a time when the United States is seeing strong growth. If we stop delivering products while the U.S. grows, others will get the business. That could leave Canadian small businesses floundering without the lucrative U.S. market.

Standard cost cutting measures may not be the solution. A better strategy is to diversify your offering, create value-added products and services, and make your company stand out. There are many ways to differentiate yourself from your competitors. Consider these steps:

  • Identify your unique value proposition.
  • Identify your ideal customer.
  • Discover the best way to reach these customers.

Another strategy is strategic diversification through mergers and acquisitions. The secret to doing this successfully, however, is to ensure that there’s synchronicity between your original offering and the new products.

This is where company owners and CEOs can benefit from the services of an experienced business coach, who can help you find ways to differentiate and diversify, without fragmenting your focus.

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