Sales Resistance: What to do about it and why it’s a good thing

10704372-Sales Resistance-smallIn the sales world there is often resistance from the people we are meeting, they resist what they may not understand. Until I understand the WIIFM - What’s In It For Me – I, like most others, will resist or object to the decision or want to act on it in a different way.

There is a way to help you create a compelling case for your products and services that "DEFEATS" any resistance or objections you may come across. Here is this proven strategy to support your efforts in the profession of selling.

D. Demonstrate the benefits and value of your products and services.defeats-sales-6848

E. Examples of the successful use of your product or service.

F. Facts not claims, will provide substance to your offering.

E. Exhibit is a simple and easy way to support your claim by way of samples.

A. Analogy. Use a story to paint a picture of your clients enjoying the benefits of your products.

T. Testimonials from clients that have enjoyed the benefits of your product.

S. Statistics from your industry or your company by way of an article.

Invest your time and energy by rehearsing your conversation from start to finish including preparing your own DEFEATS examples and making them yours.

-          By FocalPoint Coach Phil Gilkes, Calgary, AB. 587-351-3500 Email

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