How to increase employee productivity by building a strengths-based culture

123rf 29427690 smallEmployees who know – and use – their strengths are six times more likely to be engaged with their work than others. Getting to the point of having your staff utilize their strengths requires a framework that makes it possible, by:

1. Picking the Right People. Selecting the right fit, personality, skills and motivational factors can help you get the right fit for your job and culture. You don't have to rely "on your gut feel" totally, there are proven ways to hit the mark. At Focal Point we use validated assessments with our clients, including for hiring and training.  We have a certified assessment expert and trainer on staff who works with us and our clients to help us apply the right assessment and interpret it properly.

2. Setting Clear Goals and Expectations. Identify the abilities your staff members have, match them to company goals and then assign responsibilities accordingly.

3. Develop Ownership and Accountability. Great work comes from doing what you love and applying your strengths in creative ways. You can’t force ownership to happen, but you can encourage it by creating an environment in which it will flourish.

4. Recognize and Reward Excellence. In an accountable organization, employees expect to be called out when they don’t deliver and rewarded when they do.

5. Create Development Opportunities. If you truly want to get – and keep – great employees, it’s essential to create the right opportunities for them.

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