Why the Best Workers Are Not Always the Best Managers

as87732272 bad boss smWe’ve all seen the nightmares that can result when a top employee not suitable for management is promoted to a leadership position. You can end up losing the top employee, as well as others on the team…to say nothing of lost productivity and the hit to your company culture.

But how can you tell who will succeed and who will create a tsunami of ill will?

Invest a few minutes perusing this article to get the insights you need and map out the steps you must to take to make your next promotion from within a winning one.

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How to Do a Premortem: Identify the Fatal Problems in Your Action Plan

The Pre Mortem smNone of us are omniscient. But if you thoughtfully conduct a premortem before undertaking a new initiative, you can prevent or efficiently handle the otherwise unforeseen problems, snags, and gremlins that often cause business failure.

We give you a crystal-clear roadmap of the steps you need to take and the people you need on your team to conduct successful premortems and to pull off your next business moves.

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Account-Based Marketing: How It Works, Why You Can’t Ignore It

as270962932 missing target smWhich sounds more effective: Taking a shotgun approach to your marketing, or focusing like a laser on your most high-value prospects?

If taking the focused approach sounds better, you need to understand the ins and outs of Account-Based Marketing (ABM).

With the insights delivered in this guide, you’ll quickly discover if ABM might be the tool that will revolutionize your marketing efforts this year.

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How to Develop an Effective Talent Retention Plan

as214532999 valuable employee quits smEmployees left their jobs in droves during the pandemic and far too few are coming back to work. The hiring crunch is driving up salaries and causing shortages in both goods and services. You need to avoid the short-staff pandemic at all costs, but that requires a plan…which we give you in this article.

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Why Annual Performance Reviews Do Not Work and What Works Better

as7113823 annual review continual smAs business leaders eagerly invest in better and more advanced technologies, why do they insist on clinging to old, ineffective management systems, like the dreaded annual review?

In this article, with leading industry examples and specific guidelines, we show you why yearly reviews don’t work and what you need to do to replace them.

Ready for some positive change? Your employees certainly are.

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The Childlike Imposter - Your Personal Saboteur

as232458751 psychological trauma smMany things can prevent us and those we work with from being successful, but perhaps the most difficult to see and understand are the personal traits that hold us back.

However, once you understand their origin and effects, you can begin to break down the barriers that limit you and also work better with others who exhibit these behaviors.

The key is to deal with your “inner child.” The few minutes spent with this essay may yield years of increased productivity and a true sense of self-worth.

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