Managers Minute - How to Handle Conflict in the Workplace

AS185026685 CONFLICT SMThe old saying about conflict is that “it takes two to tango.” Virtually every company employs more than two, so the old conflict tango is inevitable and if not handled wisely, it can have serious negative repercussions.

On the other hand, some conflict can lead to creativity and growth.

The smart manager recognizes the differences and knows how to handle each. Is that you? Check out the guidelines and guidance in this Manager’s Minute and be ready to act the next time conflict hits your team.

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Why a Mailing List is Your Most Important Online Advertising Tool

AS217569572 EMAIL SMIt’s human nature to be attracted to the bright, new, shiny object, but when it comes to online marketing, the most powerful tool you have is the trusty email list.

It’s inexpensive to own and use, it’s filled with contacts who are interested in your offerings, and everyone both young and old sorts through their emails on a daily basis.

This concise article gets right to the point explaining the benefits of email and telling you how to best use and grow your list.

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Intellectual Capital: What Is It and Why Protect It?

AS144244220 INTELLECTUAL PROP LAW SMYou may very well have created and own a wide variety of intellectual property and not even realize it – or appreciate its value. And unfortunately, if your intellectual property is not properly protected, its value to you can go down to zero in a heartbeat, or at a bare minimum create a painful and expensive legal mess.

So don’t delay: get a full understanding today on the types of intellectual property you may own and the steps you need to take to protect these valuable assets.

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How to Manage Employee Social Media Activity Lawfully

AS113750797 MONITOR SOCMEDIA SMMany business owners have a love-hate relationship with social media. In marketing it can boost business tremendously, but in the hands of employees during work hours, it can be a major productivity killer.

Grappling with social media use in the workplace creates a number of legal questions. First, you need a policy, but before you draft one be sure to read this overview so you stay within the law and at the same time create a policy that serves your business well.

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How Artificial Intelligence is Reinventing Marketing Methods

AS323829966 AI CONCEPT SMThe days when managers would spend hours tweaking spread sheets, sorting data, and hunting for hidden trends are ending…at least for savvy business leaders. Those in-the-know are turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to make fast work of many crucial, but mind-numbing, tasks and business processes.

The good news is that AI is still in its early days so it’s the ideal time to jump on the band wagon. But first, jump into this article where we lay out exactly how AI can super charge your business (and save you money) today.

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