Do you ever feel like your business is getting left behind? Do you fear your business won't survive the next year? You should consider what happened in 2018.
[quotes]Over 3,800 stores shut down in 2018, some of which are names that would surprise you.[/quotes] Your childhood toy store Toys "R" Us, for example, closed all of its 735 stores in the United States.
There are several reasons why these businesses are unsuccessful. One of them is because they failed to adapt to the changing times.
This means if your business is still on the road to see 2019, you have a chance to turn things around. Even if it's doing well, there may be some things you can improve to reach your goals.
If you're wondering what business changes you can make for 2019, we have some suggestions. Make the course corrections now so you have a thriving and prosperous New Year.
Determine What's Working and What Isn't
Although the new year shouldn't be the only time you have to do this, it's the perfect time to do so if you haven't already. [quotesright]Even if your business is doing well, you can certain there are some things that aren't working so well that you need to improve. [/quotesright] The opposite is true if your business is having a hard time – there are likely some things you're doing right.
It's crucial to identify these, then keep what's working and improve the ones that aren’t. Take out the garbage. Discard the elements that bring no result.
Let's look at Instagram's origins as an example. The team behind it first launched an app very different from the Instagram we know today. It worked like Foursquare in that you could check in, but you could also share your photos.
After some time, the team discovered that users were mostly using it to share photos. That's where they got the idea of a photo-sharing app from, which then birthed Instagram.
It had just a few functions, and users were able to post photos in three clicks. [quotesright]By discarding the other features, Instagram grew to the platform we love today. [/quotesright]
Develop a More Personalized Marketing Strategy
Marketing personalization is big in 2018, and the trend will only continue upwards in 2019. This means speaking to customers in a direct way. Generic emails and call-to-actions are no longer as effective in connecting with and convincing customers.
You may start with re-developing your email marketing strategy to focus on personalization. [quotesright]Something as simple as including the name of the recipient within the email will increase your click-through rates. [/quotesright]
One way to customize the email is to separate your subscribers into groups, whether by age, location, gender, occupation, or whatever category you can think of. You may then send a different variant of your newsletter to each one.
Don't Ignore Social Media as an Advertising Space
Competition is heating up on the social media advertising space in 2019. You can expect more companies to jump on the social media marketing bandwagon in the coming year. This is why you should find more ways to stay afloat of the competition.
Social media marketing is more effective for some products and services than others, but you can bet your customers and prospects will check you out on social media.
Make it one of your 2019 business resolutions to be more active. Publish articles and then share them on your social media account. Offer some real human interaction when your customers reach out to you via social media.
You can also increase your user engagement by hosting quiz sessions, giveaways, and whatnots. Share other people's comments and information about your brand. And the most important of all: Respond to your customers, be a hero and solve any problems, not a heel. [quotesright]Everyone is watching how you handle customers with problems, especially new prospects. [/quotesright]
When advertising on social media, remember that the majority of your users are on mobile devices. Keep this in mind when creating your visuals and captioning your ads.
Cater to the Modern Needs of a Customer
Today, consumers are all about convenience. Everything they can do online, they do online, such as paying bills, shopping, buying meals, and more. [quotesright]On top of that, they want everything done within the lunch hour. [/quotesright]
These are the trends your business should cater to, whichever industry you're in. Running an online shop? Make sure to offer fast deliveries and convenient payment options.
As a part of your new year's resolutions for your business, prioritize the user experience when they engage with your business. This is one crucial area where you can stay ahead of your competition.
[quotesright]Small businesses might find it hard to match the conveniences offered by bigger institutions. [/quotesright] However, they can stay in the game by looking for other ways to improve the user experience.
They can have more personalized interactions with customers, for example. Your advantage is to be a human business with personal attention. Anyone can get an autoresponder or a call center around the globe who will recite a script.
Talk to Your Employees
Whatever changes to the business you're planning, remember to talk these over with your employees. Transparency is crucial, especially when you're trying to make some changes to your business operations.
Explain the new processes to your employees and then discuss your goals and how the two are tied together. [quotesright]They're an important piece in making those goals happen. [/quotesright]Communicate that with them to motivate them and allow them to offer what they think.
Train them in areas where applicable. This is less expensive than hiring new employees, but if you feel like you need to fill a new position, don't hesitate to hire someone who's experienced in this field. They will be able to provide their knowledge and offer invaluable help.
Rethink Your Communications Strategies
As we've explained above, communication within your company is important. This leads to the question: How are you planning to maximize the advantages today’s technology offers you and your employees to communicate better?
Communication, organization, and workflow apps are becoming commonplace in virtually every business setting. With only internet access, any group can work together without being in the same location.
[quotesright]Because of these apps and platforms, your team might not even have to come to work on most days. [/quotesright] This is one area you should explore in 2019. Quality of life and control over their schedule are highly prized by your employees.
It’s a great reason for top people to choose you and not jump ship for a few bucks more.
Think of how you can improve the communications between team members and how you can encourage participation and collaboration even when they're in different places.
Get Help for Your Business Changes in 2019
Business changes aren't going to be easy; you'll have to think, strategize and plan hard and then implement them one at a time. With these tips, you can stay relevant in 2019 and beyond. Don't hesitate to take a step back and re-formulate your business strategy.
[quotes]Still a bit lost?[/quotes] Feel free to get in touch and we'll help you sort things out! You have to take it slowly: Assess each step and see how they're working. Don't be afraid to modify something if you find it doesn't work. USA: 877.433.6225 {listowner:cb