The Law of Persuasion: The purpose of the selling process is to convince the customer that she will be better off with the product than she would be with the money necessary to buy the product.
[rquotes]When you make a sales presentation, you are asking the customer to engage in a trade. [/rquotes] You are telling the customer that, if she gives you her money, you will give her a product or service in return that will be of greater value to her than the money she pays. In addition, it will be of greater value than anything else that she could buy with that same amount of money at the same time.
Remember the Law of the Excluded Alternative: [rquotes]’Every choice implies a rejection.’ [/rquotes]When you ask a customer to buy from you, and to give you a part of her limited amount of money, you are asking her to forego all other purchases and satisfactions that are available to her with the same amount of money at the same time. This is asking a lot.
Three corollaries
- The first corollary of the Law of Persuasion is: “The customer always acts to satisfy the greatest number of unmet needs in the very best way at the lowest possible price”
A major part of your job is to demonstrate that the customer will get more of what she wants faster by purchasing your product or service than she would get if she bought something else.
- The second corollary of the Law of Persuasion says: “Proof that other people similar to the customer have purchased the product builds credibility, lowers resistance and increases sales.”
Every bit of information that you can present that shows the customer that other people, similar to the customer, have already wrestled with this buying decision and decided to go ahead and have been happy as a result, moves you closer to making the sale.
The power of social proof
[rquotes]One of the most powerful of all persuasion techniques in our society is called ‘social proof.’ [/rquotes] We are all influenced by what others have done or are doing. We are much more open to buying a product or service when we know that other people like us have already bought it and are happy with it.
- The third corollary of the Law of Persuasion says: “Testimonials of any kind increase desirability and lower price resistance to a product or service.”
Testimonial letters or photographs of happy customers using and enjoying your product or service, or lists of satisfied customers, are powerful influence factors in persuading a person to buy. You should persistently solicit testimonials from your customers. Acquire them from every source possible and in every way you possibly can.
[rquotes]Testimonials can make your sales work much easier. [/rquotes] You will find that almost all top salespeople use testimonials that praise their product or service.
How you can apply this law immediately:
- Think about how you can present your offerings in such a way that prospects perceive what you are selling as the fastest and easiest way for them to get the specific benefits your product or service offers.
- Gather testimonials of every kind from every satisfied customer you possible can. Build your sales presentation and your sales materials around these testimonials. Continually prove to your prospects that other people, just like them, are happily using what you sell.
from "The 100 absolutely unbreakable laws of business success" – Brian Tracy