
You can always find a direct link to subscribe to your newsletter by right clicking the “subscribe” button on your newsletter and copying the link. Your link will looks something like the following:

You can make this a lot shorter if you go to and let it create a short url to include. It will look something like (If you read carefully, you’ll find you can supply the part after the slash to use. While it’s got to be unique – if it’s not, the program will let you know so you can try again- it makes the url more user friendly than the gibberish).

However, if you can add the html link to text (or an image) you can add it to some text like Subscribe to My Newsletter which is a lot cleaner and simpler for the user.

In this case it’s as easy as highlighting the text and inserting a hyperlink (using outlook, you can do it by right clicking the text or use the “insert” tab of outlook to do so.