
is848875240 entreprenuer largeWe’ve run into many attempts to capture the essence of being an entrepreneur in America today, none does a better job of doing so than master copywriter, John Carlton.  We think you’ll agree.

“Fundamental Rule of Going Off On Your Own: Entrepreneurs run on different engines than the majority of the civilian population.

It’s good to remember that, every so often.

Most folks avoid risk and uncertainty. We eat it for breakfast.

We don’t work for The Man, either.

We make our own rules, most of the time.

We’re the bottom line for every choice, decision and action we take — the buck stops here, with a vengeance.

When we do well, the rewards are large and deserved.

When we "fail", we still have to clean up the mess…

… and start again tomorrow with fresh ideas, plans and tactics (learned from our failure) to get back on the winning track.

We’re misunderstood, and often even held in suspicion by friends and family…

… cuz we rock boats, we get too big for our britches, and we never accept "no" for an answer.”

- John Carlton, Marketing Rebel