Be Our Guest largeOne of the toughest things in life is knowing what you don’t know! How’s that for one of the world’s top oxymorons? [quotes]By definition, we can’t know what we don’t know, can we?[/quotes]

A quick path to discovering the gaps in your knowledge is to find somebody who knows more than you and get help, but that’s not always possible. The next best thing is finding that knowledge in a book.

Be Our Guest – Perfecting the Art of Customer Service
by Disney Institute with Theodore Kinni

Let’s face it, other than Apple, when you think of customer service, what other ubiquitous brand comes to mind? Here’s a hint: it involves a World-famous mouse named Mickey.

Every time I go to Disney I feel like a giant mouse has taken me by the ankle, tipped me upside down and shaken me until my pockets are emptied! Yet, strangely, I don’t feel ripped off because their service is so stinking good when compared to almost everybody else.

Let me give you an example: A few years back I was in Orlando and came down with a bad head cold (great for a holiday), and when I get a cold I’m prone to nosebleeds. It was our last day and last chance to go, so I dragged myself off my deathbed (it felt that way) to go to the Magic Kingdom with my wife and daughter.

Despite stuffing my pockets with tissues, they were all used by the time we got through the main gates, so I sent my wife into the first shop on Main Street USA to buy a couple of travel packs of tissues. They didn’t sell them!

After listening to my wife explain to her why she needed them, the Disney cast member (they don’t have staff) disappeared into the back and emerged with a full-sized box of tissues and gave them to her no charge. Does that make up for the huge ticket prices to go to Disney? No, but it’s a great lesson in customer service.

Read this book and learn directly from their trainers about how they view their guests.

Available on

- Recommendation by Ben Pritchett


One of the toughest things in life is knowing what you don’t know! How’s that for one of the world’s top oxymorons? [quotes]By definition, we can’t know what we don’t know, can we?[/quotes]
