
is537794075 want own business largeCongratulations, you are special, you own your own company. [quotes]That makes you one of the 6 percent of all Americans who are owners.[/quotes] Getting there, you’ve skipped vacations, taken on huge risk, overcome every obstacle and challenge. Now you are the one hiring people and are part of the biggest job creation engine in the USA: small business.

If you are like most entrepreneurs, you did it on your own and saw real success only after an average of seven years hard work and insane hours before it became profitable and really took off.

Although the image of the garage start-up by a teenager who does a business plan, gets huge venture capital funding, and becomes a multi-billionaire overnight is the picture painted in the media, you know better. Like many who started your company, you already had years of corporate and other experience before you struck out on your own.

Amazingly, the average age at which a person starts a business is 49. Not exactly that teenager, is it?

It’s likely you are in a business where you have a lot of accumulated knowledge and experience. Perhaps not exactly in the same industry, but related. Why? [quotes]Starting a business is tough and making it successful is even tougher.[/quotes] Fighting off competitors, skeptical vendors, winning over cautious buyers – it’s definitely not for the newbie.

[quotesright]You’ve made the transition to leader from simply running the company. [/quotesright] Your vision and good sense got you here and your employees are counting on you propelling them toward a better future with growth, good incomes, and benefits.

You are to be envied?

[quotesright]The reality is contrary to the view held by those who have never done this. [/quotesright] They often think your job is cushy, easy, and you just sit back and count your money. Anyone of us who has had the good fortune to build a company knows “it just ain’t so.”

Every day, you must look forward, sense the direction of the markets you serve, and measure the needs and concerns of your customers and even those of future prospects. You are the person who must have your company ready with new products, services, and strategies – or be left behind.

[quotes]You can’t take anything for granted. [/quotes] Established and new competitors are all gunning for you, looking for a way to take away your customers. It never ends…

... And, your name will be the first one on the subpoena!

That’s a lot of responsibility for one person to shoulder alone but it’s your responsibility.

Statistics show over half of all business owners work more than 40 hours a week, only 19 percent works less than 40. [quotesright]Almost 20 percent work over 60 hours a week. [/quotesright] Unlike your employees, your job follows you home, on vacation and even wakes you up in the middle of the night, be it with an inspired solution or insight or with worry.

[quotes]Owners simply must deal with all the pressure that burdens them.[/quotes] They frequently don’t have anyone they can confide in. Owners can’t talk to their spouses, they will worry or merely complicate things given their narrow insights. They don’t want to air out things with their golf buddies; “tell-a-mouth” Tom will let the world know everything they pass on. They often can’t talk to their partners as they may be part of the problem or unhelpful. And, owners can’t talk to their employees.

Easy, cushy job?

Shakespeare nailed it in King Henry IV when the king declares, “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.”

But, let’s pause for a moment and look at the owner’s situation in a different light for a way to help lighten the load:

[quotes]Why not do the same thing for yourself as the leader of a great company?[/quotes]

Theodore Levitt astutely noted: "So much of what passes for brilliant insight helping a company is reporting what everyone in the company could see, if only they could still see clearly."  It's essential to get a fresh perspective from time to time that is not burdened by insider "knowledge" and prejudiced views that may be outdated and flat wrong.

Fortunately for owners, there is a solution : Talking with  someone who has the background, experience, and training to help you bring forth your best ideas and thoughts, and get the clarity of options and outcomes that are needed for making good decisions. Simply having a discussion with a trained and experienced business coach will help you focus your ideas and uncover the best solutions. [quotesright]Without interaction, it’s unlikely some of those opportunities or solutions would ever reach the light of day. [/quotesright]

That’s why business coaches are in business - we're here for you.  Our personality, background and experience are here to help you have those discussions in a helpful and totally confidential setting. [quotes]Think of us as catalysts.[/quotes] We bring the insights that help you turn an already good business into and even greater one and empower you do it with less stress, greater certainty, and far less isolation.

When dealing with the myriad of issues you face as the leader of your company, who are you going to call?  Perhaps we should start a conversation? USA: 877.433.6225

Chris Dekle