
IS471291161 darkest hour largeRecently I watched the movie The Darkest Hour, the docudrama about Winston Churchill and the prelude to the British involvement in World War II.

While I don’t’ want to spoil the movie for anyone, it is primarily based on historical events.

Accordingly, I’m not particularly concerned about giving a “spoiler alert.” However, for those readers who slept through this lecture in high school history class, just skip the next paragraph!

To provide context, you’ll recall, Churchill is elected prime minister as the drumbeats of war are raging in Europe. [quotesright]Yet, many in Britain believe some type of negotiated peace with Germany is possible. [/quotesright] Churchill struggles with the decision, but feels he knows the will of the British people to defend their nation.

Thus, he goes before Parliament and with his stirring “We shall fight on the beaches” speech rallies the people and convinces Parliament to declare war. Although the movie ends here, we know his words inspire the Brits to take action and, along with help from the Allies, they defend their country and after a bitter struggle, ultimately emerge victorious!

Or so the story goes…

The question I have is simply: Can words alone really inspire or motivate someone to take action?

There were a lot of great words in “Think and Grow Rich” written by Napoleon Hill way back in the business Stone Age of 1937. [quotesright]There were so many “foundational” concepts expressed in this book, it is known as THE business primer. [/quotesright]

Yet, here we are in 2018 and business speakers, TED Talk presenters, motivational writers, and change agent gurus still seem to collect fees for their efforts repackaging and regurgitating many of those same fundamentals of business success.

Also, I’ve read somewhere and may have even seen a television show or two touting the benefits of good eating habits and a moderate exercise regimen. Good words to “live” by, yes?

[quotes]Yet, here we are in 2018, obesity and diabetes rates are going off the charts and lipo-freeze-laser-suction clinics seem to be opening everywhere…[/quotes] For some reason people are still making unhealthy life choices.

Lastly, there have been gazillions of books and presentations on effective parenting. Never before has so much child rearing information been available. Yet today, we still see parents pulling their hair out, juvenile crime rates increasing, and kids struggling in society. Why?

The real takeaway here is this: Words don’t mean much!...unless they spark action!

As a business coach, I’ve learned one undeniable truth that I cannot coach someone who does not want to be coached. Similarly, I can’t make a business person more successful if they aren’t willing to put in the required work. My words have no meaning to them.

“Action” is the true litmus test as to the effectiveness of the “words.” The words are merely a catalyst or a spark to the internal “tinder” already possessed by the listener. [quotes]External motivation can only work if it sparks the person’s internal self-motivation. [/quotes]

A concept we use in coaching is the Carnegie Triangle based on a study conducted by the Carnegie Foundation. (I’d be happy to provide more information if you are interested.) The study finds success is based on three elements: skills, attitude and knowledge…with attitude representing 85 percent of the weighted importance.

Someone with great attitude can develop the knowledge and skills. Someone with a great attitude will respond positively to inspirational words. [quotesright]Skills and knowledge (words, books, etc.) mean very little without the right attitude. [/quotesright]

I want to share a final thought on the term “The Darkest Hour.” It carries an ominous almost negative tone, doesn’t it? I’d prefer we view it more in the manner of “It’s always darkest before the dawn.” It’s a moment in time when improvement can occur or things can change for the better, if we take action.

The darkest hour is a place in your soul where you realize “action” is necessary.  Some may call it “hitting bottom” others might say, “I couldn’t put it off any longer,” or perhaps even, “I just knew it was time!”

Make this your “Darkest Hour.” [quotes] Make it the time you realize that doing things the way you’ve always been doing them isn’t going to produce a different result. [/quotes] Develop this attitude (your internal tinder) first and then the words (spark) you hear, the information you read (spark), or the coaching (spark) you receive will be meaningful and result in a blaze of success!

 - Jim Masters