
is680735792 practice largeThe Law of Practice says: Continuous practice of a key skill reduces the time required to perform the task and increases the output achieved.

The more you practice a key skill, the less time it takes you to perform the same task. The better you get at a particular job, the more of that job you can do in a shorter period of time. The greater skill you develop in your work, the higher the quality of the work you can do and the less time it takes you to do it.

A highly skilled typist can type five to 10 times as much as an unskilled typist – and do better work. The two typists may have the same age, intelligence and natural abilities, but faster typists have developed the skill that enables them to out-produce others by several times.

[quotesright]Use the “learning curve” to dramatically increase your output and your productivity. [/quotesright] Bunch your tasks and do several of the same type of tasks all at the same time. The more of a similar task you do, the less time it takes you to do each subsequent task.

For example, if you write all of your reports or proposals one after another, you will become faster and more efficient as you work. It will take you less time to do each one. If you make all your phone calls at once, each call will take less time and be more efficient.

[quotes]Utilize the “experience curve” as well to rise to the top of your field.[/quotes] This says that the better you get at a job, the more of that job you can do, at a higher level of quality, and in a shorter period of time.

The combination of the learning curve and the experience curve will make you one of the most productive and valuable people in your organization.

How you can apply this law immediately:

  1. Be absolutely clear about the most important tasks that you do in terms of reward and recognition in your work. Organize your time so that you are doing more of these tasks, doing them together and getting more of them done sooner.
  2. Get better at the key skills or core competencies that enable you to do your job in an excellent fashion. How can you get better and better at performing the most important tasks required by your work?