
In the world of career advancement and entrepreneurial success, networking plays a vital role. However, recent research suggests that the size of your network may not be as crucial as the quality and diversity of your connections.

So you can truly understand and leverage networking in today’s business ecosystem, we will reveal the myth of the massive network, highlight the importance of forming high-quality connections, and provide you with insights into networking for rapid advancement and greater success.

The Myth of a Massive Network

Traditionally, networking self-help guides have emphasized the need for building extensive lists of contacts. However, studies have revealed that high performers focus on quality rather than quantity. Having an oversized network can sometimes hinder performance.

Rather than collecting countless superficial contacts, successful individuals understand that networking is about planting relations, nurturing them, and ensuring their growth.

Connect Broadly

What sets top performers apart is not the size of their networks but the way they form connections. Successful individuals opt for open networks, branching out beyond their field or area of expertise.

This approach allows them to gain new perspectives and absorb diverse knowledge, ultimately leading them to higher salaries and faster promotions.

Building Open Networks

Open networks revolve around connecting with people who are different from oneself in terms of fields, backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences.

High performers understand the importance of stepping out of their comfort zones and actively seek connections beyond their industry. By doing so, they broaden their horizons and enhance their ability to gain valuable insights.

Diversity and Scope of Ties Matter

High performers also manage a diverse distribution of ties across organizational lines. They network not only across organizations but also up and down the hierarchy, interacting with individuals at different levels.

Engaging with a broad spectrum of individuals provides them with a wider range of insights, access to support others may not have, and an overall sense of purpose and satisfaction that indirectly improves their performance.

Extending Their Vision of What is Possible

Successful networkers recognize the value of relationships that help them expand their abilities.

By interacting solely with people who are like themselves, individuals limit their potential for broader perspectives, deeper insights, and a richer knowledge base.

Embracing diversity and seeking connections outside one's comfort zone is key to unlocking personal and professional growth.

High-Quality Connections

Finally, high performers invest time and effort in building high-quality connections. Quality triumphs over quantity.

Cultivating a few meaningful, mutually beneficial connections can have a far greater impact than accumulating hundreds of superficial contacts. These connections provide opportunities for collaboration, learning, and growth.

The Power of Curiosity

Networking should be driven by curiosity. Successful networkers are willing to learn about others, especially those who are different from themselves. Building an open network involves investing time in nurturing relationships with people who bring diverse perspectives.

Use the Power of Reciprocity

In networking, giving without expecting anything in return is essential. By complimenting others without seeking a favor, introducing individuals without expecting reciprocation, and checking in on others because you genuinely care, you build stronger and more meaningful relationships with individuals who feel obligated to give back. This approach creates a supportive network that boosts success for all involved.


Networking is not about the quantity but the quality and depth of connections. Focusing on meaningful relationships that provide diverse perspectives and valuable insights is the key to successful networking. Prioritize quality over quantity, openness over exclusivity, and genuine interest over superficial contact.

By embracing the power of quality connections, you will not only achieve greater success but also enrich your professional life.