
How a Consultant/Advisor/Coach Pays Off


Law Office of C.K.A, specializing in estate planning, probate, trust, and wills.


The client was experiencing conflict in the workplace between the members of the team.


The initial coaching engagement was for administering a behavioral assessment (DISC) and a deep debrief for each employee in the office. At first, the employees were not engaged in the process because they had bad experiences in the past with other 'coaches'. But after the debrief of each of their personalities and learning how best they can work together, the owner and the employees were all in and we started working on long-term planning.


After 11 months of working together, the business' revenue increased by 140%. The team has grown from 2 to 6 employees in 18 months and all have participated in behavioral and talent assessments, and business training programs.

This Case Study describes how our FocalPoint team members have achieved great successes with the many different types and sizes of companies, personalities, problems, and challenges they have worked with. Imagine what we could do for your future.