do what you fear largeHere are a couple of Wise Old sayings, “Faint heart ne’er won fair maid.” and “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” Giving in to fear makes you fearful, while acting boldly makes you courageous.

Your thoughts create your visions, your visions create your feelings, your feelings create your action, your action creates your realities.

Each time you feel afraid or nervous for any reason, [quotes]the only solution is to “Do the thing you fear.”[/quotes] An old man, grandfather once advised his grandson with this wonderful phrase: “Act boldly and unseen forces will come to your aid.” This is where courage thrives and truer words have never been spoken.

Most salespeople are underperforming; earning much less than they have potential for. They have an overblown fear of rejection. Even though they have never met the prospective client or customer, [quotesright]they have an irrational fear of that person and worrying[/quotesright] whether that prospect will like them or approve of them. When you take a step back and dispassionately evaluate the fear of rejection by prospects or strangers, it seems kind of silly.

But for salespeople faced with the need to develop new prospects, [quotes]it can and often does, freeze them in their tracks,[/quotes] the activities needed doing don’t get done and are holding them back. They creatively avoid doing the work that would change their lives and those that they serve.

every chance every fear largeOne of the very best ways to develop the ability to take intelligent risks is to consciously and [quotesright]deliberately do the things you fear, one step at a time, [/quotesright] making small strategic changes in your mindset. Taking a leap out of an airplane without a parachute isn’t a small step that is not risk taking that is simply crazy.

What you will have to do is to [quotes]resist your natural tendency to slip into a comfort zone of complacency and low performance, [/quotes] that’s the creative avoidance kicking in.

What if you were to take any fear that you are experiencing and look at it as a challenge; as an opportunity to grow and to increase your efficacy, in other words your causative power living your life on purpose rather than on regret.

[quotesright]Face the fear by moving towards it, [/quotesright] control the fear thoughts, the self-talk that’s going on, master the fear and continue to move forward regardless of the fear. [/quotes]This is the mark of the superior person

Many of our fears of taking risks are false, [quotesright]F.E.A.R. - False Expectations Appearing Real! [/quotesright] They have no basis in reality. When you test them, you find that they don’t even exist.

- by Coach Phil Gilkes

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